Sinkin’ Soon

Anyone interested in hearing something absolutely ridiculous?

I actually paid to renew this domain name a while ago and I haven’t even updated with an entry since then. The Husband is not lying when he says I am good with frivolously spending money.

With the whole epic adventure of signing up for Facebook and (actually) having more than one person inquire about this little old blog was quite flattering. I am so sorry that I’ve neglected to satisfy my readers, some of whom are actually interested in the knitting, and also some of whom just secretly admire me and feel the need to keep up with my antics ;).

I’m feeling a little rusty and also feel the need to update you all on all the details I’ve missed blogging about in the last century. First things first – the knitting, well, the knitting is non-existent (see blog tagline in header). My excuses include: it’s summer time, why would I be knitting? and the more excusable – we moved!

Of course, we moved back in February. But still. Those who know me will know that the new place is still in shambles. All those brilliant projects I planned to start at this new place are still nothing but broken promises to myself.

This is a list of stuff I was planning to do:

1. Get some prints of some of my shots processed and framed. Decorate house with said shots. Failed.
2. Re-organize our entire CD collection alphabetically. Failed.
3. Set up new office (yes I know! We have a second bedroom now!) and go about some sort of storage solution. The plan involved going to some place like Walmart or Zellers to seek a basic shelfing unit for the gazillion bags, back packs and blankets that we have. Failed.
4. New slip covers for couch and love seat. HAHAHA – yeah, right (see LV pajamas for family friend)
5. Paint. Paint as in paint the entire suite. The funny part was we actually entertained the idea (well, I did) of painting the entire suite in the span of 2-3 days before we moved our stuff in. The only thing I’ve painted so far is the bathroom, and that’s only because the side of the tub tile started leaking, and we had to put in new drywall. And even then, the Bathroom Painting Project took over two months to jump start. And guess what? I started two days ago and yet I’m not even close to being finished yet.

My excuse for the kitchen counter loaded with dirty dishes is the painting. My excuse for the messy office is the bathroom. The closet in the office was affected by the leak from the bathroom too, so all the junk that was in the closet is now swimming around freely in the office. Of course the bathroom repairs/painting take automatic precedence over the office and kitchen. If I don’t get through the painting, how can I possibly stand in front of a sink and wash dishes? How am I supposed to clean the mess in the office without fixing the closet/bathroom first? One thing I have learned in life – have an excuse ready for everything.

So, await in the now stale anticipation of the new bathroom. Of course I failed to take a before picture of the space, but I’ll make sure to post the after picture of the mess. Be forewarned, it’s like an episode of Trading Spaces meets What Not To Wear (in this case, what color of paint not to pick).

Maybe the paint fumes have finally done their damage.

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